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online climbing coach
Climbs V12/5.13d
Climbing for 14 years, coaching for 10 years
Sponsored by Organic, Metolius, and Gnarly
Deadlifts over 2.5x bodyweight
Can hold a handstand for 84 seconds
Bachelors in biochemistry + exercise science
Has gotten clients to V10 and 5.14
You might remember me from the OG Training for Climbing video (which now has nearly 1.5 million views), or its sequel, Advanced Training for Climbing (500K views)


But I don't want you to think that these videos are representative of my coaching style or my own training. Because as a coach and an athlete, I am constantly learning and improving.

I believe that the success of any climber boils down to 3 things:

Climb HARD

This means lots of limit bouldering sessions, learning the compound lifts (especially deadlift and overhead press), and taking the time to work on mobility and calisthenics. 

Sure, we want to be good climbers. But as a coach, I make sure all of my clients are also good athletes. If you can climb V14 but don't have the shoulder mobility to do an overhead barbell press, you need to rethink your training program.
online climbing coach
What separates me from other coaches is experience. I've worked at gyms in Colorado, Connecticut, and New York City as a head youth coach, fitness manager, and routesetter. I've climbed outside all over the United States and in Canada and Mexico (hard to pick a favorite but it's hard to beat the steep endless walls of The Red). I've placed in the American Bouldering Series and other professional competition circuits including Dark Horse and Ring of Fire. I've read dozens of programming textbooks cover-to-cover--Tudor's Periodization, Rippetoe's Practical Programming, and Tuchscherer's Reactive Training Systems, to name a few--and adapted those protocols into climbing programs. I've tested those programs on both myself and hundreds of clients. I live and breathe climbing (I'm on the road most of the year going from crag-to-crag and running training blocks in between) and I know what works (and what doesn't!)


online climbing coach
I don't do cookie cutter programs because there is not a "one size fits all" in training. I believe in affordable custom programs where clients have full access to both me and the resources I have created. When a client signs up for training, I am also signing up to be their coach. It's a two-way streak and I am 100% committed to all of my athletes. My clients can message me anytime through my True Coach platform and schedule a call whenever they feel they need to check-in or talk something through. I'm here to build long-term relationships with my athletes and get them to their goals in the process.
Let's get started!
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